Top Free Online Electrical Engineering Courses with Certificates
- Appliance Testing Fundamentals
- Introduction to Basic Electrical Drawings and Test Equipment
- Electronic Circuits in Maritime Communication Systems
- Introduction to the Electrical Trade – Revised
- Soldering Electric Components Like an Expert
- Actuation Systems in Mechatronics
- Electrical Engineering – Electrical Transformer Components
- An Introduction to Optical Fiber
- Essentials of Electrical Safety
- Critical Facility: Power Supply Management
Free Online Electrical Engineering Courses
1. Appliance Testing Fundamentals
Course outlines:
- Examine a summary of portable appliance testing (PAT).
- Explain the applicable legal provisions regarding PAT.
- Describe what risk assessment entails.
- Recognize the classification of electrical units and appliances.
- Identify the electrical testing safety precautions.
- Evaluate methods for mitigating and managing hazards.
Course Description:
This course on Appliance Testing Fundamentals provides an in-depth understanding of colorful testing approaches and teaches scholars to apply essential principles. It describes and analyses the characteristics and styles of movable appliance testing (PAT) and the applicable legal rules for PAT. You’ll learn to probe and make your own styles. You’ll discover how to complete threat assessments and learn important information on reduction and operation. Demonstrate the bracket of complex electrical units and appliances.
The course also prepares you by studying appliance brackets in action. Gain knowledge about introductory visual assessment and the necessary instruments.
Next, you’ll learn about testing and outfit examination instruments and how to test an electrical installation effectively. Eventually, the course clarifies questions similar to How can shock threat be understood? or ‘What are the in-service examination and testing processes?’. still, this course will educate you on how to use and comprehend the fundamentals of appliance testing, If you’re new to appliance testing.
They equip you with an understanding of the exact laws and regulations so that you can incorporate them into your opinions. This course is a great starting point for individuals who are just beginning to learn about the ways and outs of safety testing and threat assessment. So, enroll moment and come complete with these fundamentals
Nature of course:
This free online course outlines the principles of appliance testing and describes applicable legal conditions. They all operate electronic appliances daily. The course covers all the essential generalities and groups of electrical bias and appliances. In addition, it examines the multitudinous laws and regulations that you must observe when working with them. You’ll explore appliance testing and how to use coffers similar to threat assessment and regulation. They examine movable appliance testing (PAT) questions and other approaches.
4-5 Hours of Learning
Pre-requisite Requirement:
- Circuit design.
- Apply linear systems theory and analysis.
- Develop electrical schematics.
- Data collection and analysis.
- Build and operate computer systems.
- Prepare operational plans.
- Electronic equipment maintenance.
- Direct construction activities and equipment upkeep.
- Program Requirements.
- The Electrical Engineering program is based on an expectation of adequate high school preparation in science, mathematics and English. High school courses should include algebra, plane geometry, trigonometry, chemistry or physics (all desirable), and four years of English.
Where to do it:
Here is the link to apply for this course.
Is it worth doing it:
- Safety testing is legally required for CE marking
- It minimizes the risk of injury during product use
- Accredited electrical safety tests lead to greater safety
- It leads to improved technical documentation
- It leads to design improvements
2. Introduction to Basic Electrical Drawings and Test Equipment
Course outline:
- List the plans and drawings that are included in electrical drawings
- Describe the various terms associated with electrical drawings
- Discuss the drawing layout, the common drafting lines, and the electrical symbols used in the trade
- Explain what is meant by scale drawings, power plans, lighting floor plans, electrical details, and diagrams
- Describe electrical current testing instruments such as an ammeter and a galvanometer
- Summarize how a moving-coil meter operates
- Identify the purpose of testing equipment such as voltmeter, ohmmeter, multimeter
- List the difference between an analog and a digital voltmeter
Course Description:
Interpreting electrical delineations directly is one of the most important chops that a professional working in an affiliated field can acquire. With this course, you’ll learn how to read delineations and come familiar with important terms associated with the delineations including the different electrical symbols, lines, and layouts. An electrical plan is one of the most critical arrangements of a design, so it’s important that you learn to read this by heart.
Next, you’ll learn about scale delineations, power plans, lighting bottom plans, electrical details, and plates.
The course will also cover the different electrical current testing instruments similar to an ammeter and a galvanometer as well as band their uses. You’ll also get a clear understanding of how a moving-coil cadence operates, the purposes of testing outfits similar to a voltmeter, ohmmeter, and multimeter, and the difference between an analog and a digital voltmeter.
Being suitable to read the wiring and string connections is essential for proper electrical installation and conservation. This preface to Basic Electrical Delineations and Test Equipment course will be of great interest to professionals in the areas of construction and electrical engineering, as well as learners who want to gain practical knowledge and understanding of the electrical trade. So why stay? In just many short hours, your electrical chops, and your résumé, will be in the coming position.
Nature of the course:
Interpret electrical delineations directly and learn the uses of important electrical outfits with this online course. This free online introductory course on introductory electrical delineations and test outfits will get you completely up to speed on these important motifs. Understanding electrical delineations and outfit is essential for any aspiring electrician. By the end of the course, you’ll know how to dissect information about power, lighting, and communication, and be much further familiar with important electrical symbols and test outfits.
- Hours of Learning
Pre-requisite Requirement:
- Circuit design.
- Apply linear systems theory and analysis.
- Develop electrical schematics.
- Data collection and analysis.
- Build and operate computer systems.
- Prepare operational plans.
- Electronic equipment maintenance.
- Direct construction activities and equipment upkeep.
- Program Requirements.
- The Electrical Engineering program is based on an expectation of adequate high school preparation in science, mathematics and English. High school courses should include algebra, plane geometry, trigonometry, chemistry or physics (all desirable), and four years of English.
Where to do it:
Here is the link to this course/
Is it worth doing it?
Electrical delineations are absolutely pivotal for establishing, troubleshooting, and communicating information about your power systems on your point. They can help to insure your system runs easily, efficiently, and most importantly safely.
3. Electronic Circuits in Maritime Communication Systems
Course outline:
- Explain the Algorithmic State Machine
- Analyze fundamental mode sequential circuits
- Relate decoding to encoding
- Distinguish between multiplexers and demultiplexes
- List variables that can be modified by modulation and relate them to the types of modulation
- Relate RF output to AM transmitters, amplitude, and phase
- Describe the working characteristics of FM receptions
Course Description
Numerous electronic operations used in all sizes and exemplifications of boat. Maritime communication systems range from popular technologies similar as autopilot and or tone- steering systems, GPS, energy monitoring and operation and marine VHF radio, among numerous others.
This course on electronic circuits in maritime communication systems teaches you precious generalities related to marine communication systems, including the integral places the electronic sense family plays in the principles and operations of all electronic circuits used onboard vessels and vessels.
They illustrate these complex rudiments of electronic circuits to help you with understanding the operation of multiplexers and demultiplexes.
They also bandy the rules around combinational circuits and sense gates. This miracle of regulating electrons has led to some of the most significant inventions in the last century, including computers, boxes, electric buses, videotape games, smartphones and so on. This wisdom is also essential for developing diligence similar as telecommunications, banking, logistics and shipping. Electronics has helped applicable players in maritime, like marine masterminds, and perform colorful conditioning related to designing, constructing, testing and maintaining marine vessels. Electronics also drive the conservation of coastal platforms for the docking of marine vessels.
Nature of the course:
This course delves into the electronic circuits set up in maritime communication systems. It offers an in- depth companion to the mechanisms, principles and operations of these communication systems. Learn about sense gates, registers and algorithmic state machines for digital circuits, as well as adders and encoders for combinational circuits. So why are you staying?
Start this course moment and begin your coming literacy trip!
3-4 Hours of Learning
Pre-requisite Requirement:
- Circuit design.
- Apply linear systems theory and analysis.
- Develop electrical schematics.
- Data collection and analysis.
- Build and operate computer systems.
- Prepare operational plans.
- Electronic equipment maintenance.
- Direct construction activities and equipment upkeep.
- Program Requirements.
- The Electrical Engineering program is based on an expectation of adequate high school preparation in science, mathematics and English. High school courses should include algebra, plane geometry, trigonometry, chemistry or physics (all desirable), and four years of English.
Where to do it:
Is it worth doing it?
The hops and bounds growth we are seeing in technology and quality of life has huge benefactions from electronics and dispatches engineering. thus, there’s a demand for gift in this sluice of engineering. Overall, engineering is set to grow a strong 7% growth rate in the coming decade.
4. Introduction to the Electrical Distribution
Course outline:
- Outline the basics of electrical wiring systems
- Identify the job requirements of the electrical trade
- Describe the effects of an electric shock
- List the safety standards and requirements specified by the
- Occupational Health and Safety Act (OSHA) in the United States
- Explain the ‘lockout’ or ‘tagout’ rule and when it should be used
- Lay out the safety rules to apply when working with ladders, overhead equipment, tools and hazardous materials
- Describe electrical power, charge, and current
- Define Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s laws for voltage
Course Description:
This course introduces you to the most common occupational hazards that electricians face, including electric beck and shock. We examine the pitfalls involved when working with tools, outfit, batteries and graduations, which apply around above outfit and in confined spaces- indeed more so in the absence of preventative measures. They also establish the significance of wearing applicable particular defensive outfit (PPE).
The course explains how electrical circuits work and discusses voltage sources, source loads, volt- ohm- milliammeters and operators. We outline the places of voltage, current and resistance in electrical systems. We claw into electrical proposition and study electric charge to explain the movement or inflow of electrons in a circuit.
The course also covers abecedarian electrical generalities like Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s Law and compares series and resemblant circuits. Every electrician needs a toolkit of knowledge and chops, whether they work on domestic, marketable or artificial systems. They also bear strong troubleshooting chops and to observe safe electrical practices.
They give all this in this training course that teaches you everything you need to get your career in the electrical trade off to a great launch.
Nature of the course:
Learn the propositions, safe practices and proven procedures of the electrical trade with this free online training course. This course teaches you everything you need to know to do electrical work on domestic, marketable and artificial systems. They all depend on a continued force of electrical power in our diurnal lives so professed electricians are largely valued professionals. This course lays out the proposition behind electricity to explain the practices and procedures you’ll employ on the job so subscribe up to gain a precious new skill and boost your career.
1.5-3 Hours of Learning
Pre-requisite Requirement:
- Circuit design.
- Apply linear systems theory and analysis.
- Develop electrical schematics.
- Data collection and analysis.
- Build and operate computer systems.
- Prepare operational plans.
- Electronic equipment maintenance.
- Direct construction activities and equipment upkeep.
- Program Requirements.
- The Electrical Engineering program is based on an expectation of adequate high school preparation in science, mathematics and English. High school courses should include algebra, plane geometry, trigonometry, chemistry or physics (all desirable), and four years of English.
Where to do it:
Is it worth doing it?
- Career Opportunities
- Stimulating, Interesting Work
- The Working Environment
- Be Your own boss
- The Pay Could Be Great
- Training Can be Affordable
5. Soldering Electric Components Like an Expert
Course outline:
- Identify the correct soldering iron for your job
- List the tools you need to stay safe and do a professional job
- Summarize the soldering process
- Recognize a good soldering joint from a bad one
- Define tinning
- Discuss the cleaning process for your soldering iron
- Explain how to solder correctly
Course Description:
Soldering is a skill anyone who works with electronics should master, and it’s not a delicate skill to earn. However, this course is for you, if you’re an aspiring electronics mastermind or an electronic geek who loves working on widgets. This course is salutary for newcomers who would like to learn this skill from scrape. And if you ask yourself why your soldering jobs do not look like the professionally soldered circuit boards you see online, you’ll also profit. The answer lies in the tools you use, and of course, your fashion. Not every soldering job is the same, and not every soldering iron is the same.
Educational Engineering Team is a leader in the Microcontroller assiduity whose charge is to partake their knowledge and experience with scholars across the globe. Let a professional show you how to solder rightly and choose the right tools for the job you need. The course will start by demonstrating how to solder rightly. They will head straight into the practical operation of this skill, with the educator showing how he solders legs to a circuit board and explaining why he solders in the way he does. You can go back to this videotape repetitively until you master this skill while covering all of the theoretical knowledge in the course material.
Next, learn how to choose the most suitable soldering iron for your requirements. There are numerous soldering operations out there, from soldering bitsy chip resistors to a circuit board, to soldering large UHF connectors. Understand why the temperature and wattage of your soldering iron varies according to the operation of your job. Also, familiarize yourself with the accessories to make your job easier and keep you safe while working. After that, you’ll study the three ways to a perfect soldering job medication, tinning, and soldering. However, you’ll solder like a pro in no time, if you master this way. You’ll admit practical tips and tricks to help you avoid making miscalculations. And if you do make an error, you’ll learn how to troubleshoot, identify what went wrong and correct any inaccuracies you make.
Towards the end, this course will explain how to clean your soldering iron. We will also show you how to extend the life of your soldering iron and how to solder connectors the right way. Incipiently, we’ll explain how to separate between good soldering and bad soldering with real- life exemplifications. Stop wasting plutocrat on inadequately soldered circuit boards, stop making blunders on your soldering jobs, and learn how to solder like an expert. This course is delightful and straightforward, and it will not take long to master this essential skill. Exercise how to solder electronic factors like a professional by subscribing up moment.
Nature of the course:
In this free online course, learn how to solder like a professional by understanding the correct soldering process. Soldering is an essential skill that isn’t delicate to master. All you need is proper guidance and practice.
This course will educate you what you need to know about soldering the right way. This free online course covers how to choose the stylish soldering iron and accessories for the job you need to do. You will also learn the way you need to take to solder rightly and admit excellent tips so you can solder like an expert.
1.5-3 Hours of Learning
Pre-requisite Requirement:
- Circuit design.
- Apply linear systems theory and analysis.
- Develop electrical schematics.
- Data collection and analysis.
- Build and operate computer systems.
- Prepare operational plans.
- Electronic equipment maintenance.
- Direct construction activities and equipment upkeep.
- Program Requirements.
- The Electrical Engineering program is based on an expectation of adequate high school preparation in science, mathematics and English. High school courses should include algebra, plane geometry, trigonometry, chemistry or physics (all desirable), and four years of English.
Where to do it:
Is it worth doing it?
Soldering is one of the most important processes in the electronic assiduity. It’s one of the introductory effects that one working in the said assiduity must know. The process helps attach different electronic factors to the published circuit board (PCB), therefore forming an electrical connection.
6. Actuation Systems in Mechatronics
Course outline:
- Discuss the working operation of key mechanical actuation mechanisms
- Distinguish between hydraulic and pneumatic actuators
- Recall the fundamental principles of AC and DC motors
- Describe the working principles of relays and solenoids
- Summarize how data representation systems, such as printers and display devices, operate
- List the major data representation systems used in mechatronics
- Explain the application of data representation systems in mechatronics
Course Description:
Have you ever seen robots or robotic- type systems move some part of their body and wondered about the medium that allows them to make similar movements? Selectors are responsible for similar controlled action in a system. They work grounded on the signal they get from microprocessors. One similar selector is a motor. The motor is one of the major selectors used in mechatronics as it helps convert electrical signals to mechanical movements. still, motors are just one of the numerous selectors used in mechatronic systems.
This course shows you how to use vital selectors in mechatronics. You’ll learn about actuation mechanisms and their operations.
Discover how to design actuation mechanisms and the colorful instruments used in actuation. The course explains how cam and gear mechanisms operate as well as their perpetration in mechatronic systems. The significance of comportments in mechatronics and mechanical factors to consider when opting a motor for your mechatronics design are outlined. honor the differences between hydraulic and curvaceous selectors, including their factors and how they operate.
You’ll learn about colorful types of faucets, their symbols, and how to apply them in mechatronic systems. The course explains how relays and solenoids operate, as well as their operations in control systems.
You’ll also be shown the introductory principles of electric motors. Motors come in different designs therefore their abecedarian principles could vary. First, you’ll learn about the working principles of introductory DC (direct current) motors, including the bones
Running on field coils or endless attractions. In addition, the course explains how to control DC motors in a mechatronic system. Master the working principles of induction motors and coetaneous motors, and learn the crucial principles of different types of stepper motors and their individual significance in mechatronics. Eventually, examine the colorful data representation systems used in mechatronic systems. Actuation systems are a vital part of mechatronic systems. Without them, no system would be suitable to perform mechanical movements.
For illustration, robotic surgery wouldn’t live without actuation systems. However, the robot wouldn’t be suitable to move its arms to perform surgical operations, if you do not put actuation systems in place. The same goes for using robotic systems in manufacturing companies. It’s essential for anyone looking to come a specialist in mechatronics to understand how actuation systems work so you can elect the suitable selector for your mechatronics designs rightly. For illustration, if you’re designing a mechatronic system that should move objects at precise angular supplements, what type of motor would you go for? opting when you only understand the working operation of the colorful motors out there will help exclude crimes. Taking this course on actuation systems will help you with this task. So, dive in and start learning moment.
Nature of the course:
Learn about the numerous operations of electrical and mechanical selectors in mechatronics with this free online course. In mechatronic systems, there are times when you need to convert electrical signals into stir. One way to do so is via selectors. This course on actuation systems will expose you to the colorful electrical and mechanical selectors used in mechatronics. You’ll learn their working principles and operations in mechatronic systems. In addition, you’ll examine colorful data representation systems.
3-4 Hours of Learning
Pre-requisite Requirement:
- Circuit design.
- Apply linear systems theory and analysis.
- Develop electrical schematics.
- Data collection and analysis.
- Build and operate computer systems.
- Prepare operational plans.
- Electronic equipment maintenance.
- Direct construction activities and equipment upkeep.
- Program Requirements.
- The Electrical Engineering program is based on an expectation of adequate high school preparation in science, mathematics and English. High school courses should include algebra, plane geometry, trigonometry, chemistry or physics (all desirable), and four years of English.
Where to do it:
Is it worth doing it?
Bettered control over mechanical systems, better effectiveness, more accurate seeing, and advanced trust ability. Conservation of mechatronic systems is generally veritably low since the factors are automated and electrical rather than mechanical.
7. An Introduction to Optical Fiber
Course outline:
- Explain how the light gets guided into fiber
- Discuss the mechanism of guidance
- Distinguish between absorptive and radiative loss
- Indicate what causes ‘Rayleigh Scattering’
- State what angles are supported in total internal reflection
- Define a ‘mode’
- Discuss what is ‘Scalar Approximation’
Course Description:
Optic fiber (also called ‘fiber- optics’) are bitsy beaches of veritably pure glass, each about the same periphery of a mortal hair. Thousands of these optic filaments are arranged in packets in optic lines and are used to transmit light signals over long distances with a capacity that’s far superior to cables or coextensive lines. Travelling along the filaments at around two hundred trillion cycles per second, each photon bounces down the pipe with continued internal glass- suchlike reflection defended by the cladding that keeps the light signals inside the core. Affordable to produce, fiber- optical lines don’t conduct electricity, aren’t degraded by lightning storms and are small in size.
This introductory course on fiber- optics will expand your knowledge of this unique technology, breaking down how it works and all the applicable kinds.
To start with, you’ll learn about single and multimode fiber, two types of optic filaments. Single- mode is used for long distances, has small cores and transmits infrared ray light while multi-mode is generally used for short distances, has large cores and transmits infrared light.
This course also explains how fiber- optical lines transmit data via fast- travelling beatings of light. Lower attenuation and hindrance allow an optic fiber to have significant advantages over the bobby line by long- distance, high- bandwidth operations. The information transmitted by fiber optics is generally digital information generated by computers, telephone systems and string TV companies.
Eventually, you’ll learn the factors that are demanded to grease communication through an optic communication network, like light signal transmitters, optic fiber band the print- detecting receiver. The transmitted signal that travels through the filaments doesn’t radiate. also, the signal cannot be fluently tapped from a fiber.
Accordingly, optic fiber communication provides hundred percent signal security. It’s no wonder that it’s getting commercialized. To package fiber into a commercially feasible commodity, it generally is protectively covered by using ultraviolet (UV), light- cured acrylate polymers, also finished with optic fiber connectors and latterly assembled into a string.
Fiber- optical lines are used in hundreds of diligences around the world. Due to its versatility, the professional openings are measureless. Fiber- optic systems have enabled scientists to make multitudinous important strides in the telecommunication, mechanical and medical fields. The realm of fiber optics has opened numerous openings for working technological predicaments and has bettered mortal civilization.
This course is an instigative option for anyone meaning a career in fiber optics, especially scholars who want to know further about what fiber- optical workers do on the job and how to get into the profession. A career in fiber optics will allow you to work anywhere in the world, from pastoral sections to big metropolises, outside or outdoors, in large or atomic office structures, on the ground, in the air or inside a data center. There are numerous exceptional benefits to working with fiber. You do not need a high- position university degree, simply specialized skill experience. However, why stay? Start this course moment and advance your career in this dynamic field! If you have an interest or dream to work and have a career in fiber optics.
Nature of the course:
Dive into the world of fiber optics, with all its advantages and operations, in this free online course. Discover the power of optic fiber, sapience into its functionality and its places in this introductory course. You’ll expand your knowledge of the advantages of this slice- edge technology as you explore how this has led to diurnal hops forward in the telecommunication assiduity. In addition to this, you’ll examine the advancements in similar different areas as drug, mechanics and plumbing, in which fiber optics have made an immense impact.
3-4 Hours of Learning
Pre-requisite Requirement:
- Circuit design.
- Apply linear systems theory and analysis.
- Develop electrical schematics.
- Data collection and analysis.
- Build and operate computer systems.
- Prepare operational plans.
- Electronic equipment maintenance.
- Direct construction activities and equipment upkeep.
- Program Requirements.
- The Electrical Engineering program is based on an expectation of adequate high school preparation in science, mathematics and English. High school courses should include algebra, plane geometry, trigonometry, chemistry or physics (all desirable), and four years of English.
Where to do it:
Is it worth doing it?
The electrical power assiduity faces different challenges on a diurnal base. Electromagnetic hindrance to axes in temperature provides safe and dependable electricity to our homes or workplaces, power companies depend on a multitude of systems. In order to help cover Electrical Engineers of B Tech Colleges from dangerous high voltage while maintaining clear communication, numerous power companies choose fiber optical string to connect bias in their monitoring and control systems.
8. Essentials of Electrical Safety
Course outline:
- Identify the effects of electric current on the human body
- List the general safety rules for working with electricity
- Describe the available features of direct and alternating currents
- Explain the relationship between voltage, current and resistance
- Compare the features of series and parallel circuits
- Discuss capacitance and the working of capacitors
- Explain how to work safely with hand and power tools
- Recall the two main laws that regulate electrical safety
- List the incidents that may lead to electrocution
- Outline the components of and carry out risk assessments
- Describe the emergency procedures during any hazard posed by electrical equipment
- Discuss the inspection and testing requirements of equipment classes
Course Description:
You may have heard of bow flash accidents or cases of electrical shock in swimming pools. Imagine a situation when someone good knows what to do in similar situations. Electricity comes with its conveniences and plenitude of uses and, if handled well, you can control or reduce mishaps.
In this course, you’ll learn introductory generalities before diving into the safety aspects of working with electricity. The theoretical explanation of what current, voltage, resistance and capacitance are attendants you to grasping the practical aspects of working with electrical bias or tools.
You’ll gain acceptable specialized knowledge to understand the safety primers and be confident enough to take applicable conduct. The section on safety laws and regulations is brief but useful for anyone who has to manage or supervise in a work terrain conforming of electrical outfit.
The motifs covering threat assessments, examination and testing will simplify the idea of safety preventives as you’ll learn to give a safe working area. masterminds, electricians and numerous other professionals work with electricity everyday- electrical safety specialists will always be in demand for their capability to identify implicit hazards and minimize any threat to life or property. You can take advantage of this free training course and enrollment
Nature of the course:
A free online practical training course to educate you safe practices and styles while working with electricity. Electrical safety practices impel a pool to take suitable preventives while handling electrical bias or outfit. This practical electrical engineering course explains the wisdom of electricity followed by the safety issues in the plant. It also covers electrical safety laws. You’ll understand the safety aspects of any electrical outfit and take the right opinions to control and reduce accidents.
1.5-3 Hours of Learning
Pre-requisite Requirement:
- Circuit design.
- Apply linear systems theory and analysis.
- Develop electrical schematics.
- Data collection and analysis.
- Build and operate computer systems.
- Prepare operational plans.
- Electronic equipment maintenance.
- Direct construction activities and equipment upkeep.
- Program Requirements.
- The Electrical Engineering program is based on an expectation of adequate high school preparation in science, mathematics and English. High school courses should include algebra, plane geometry, trigonometry, chemistry or physics (all desirable), and four years of English.
Where to do it:
Is it worth doing it?
Upon completing this Electrical Safety Procedures and norms for Electrical Engineers course successfully, participants will be suitable to:
- Promote electrical safety in office surroundings
- Reduce the circumstance of electric shock injuries, flash/ radiation burns and electrocution
- Lessen the injuries caused from failure to stop or operate, and unintended operation of outfit that’s electrically powered
- Avoid surface temperatures and electrical arcing from causing an electrical hazard give electrical safety technology with monitoring controls that help on-electrical hazards
- Prevention of fires caused by the
- Facility: malfunction of electrical outfit
9. Critical Power Supply Management
Course outline:
- Describe the basics of Critical Facilities, including operations and critical industries
- Understand the fundamental concepts related to power and power sources
- Discuss utility-based sources of power
- Identify types of generators- power
- Identify alternative sources of power
- Compare and contrast medium and low voltage systems for power distribution
- Identify redundancy levels and power distribution topologies
- Outline the elements of power supply transfer
- Discuss the importance pf preventative maintenance procedures for power distribution components
Course Description:
This course will first introduce you to the five crucial rudiments of Critical Operations and the possible pitfalls that put those operations at threat. You’ll look at the different sectors of Critical structure and the three phases of extremity operation.
You’ll study electricity, voltage, electrical current, and amperes. You’ll also study single- phase and three- phase power as well as the most common sources that give mileage power.
You’ll also study Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), cargo machine Synchronization (LBS), and the important critical operation battery systems including switchgear batteries and control panels to name a many. This Power Supply Management course will also the bandy power distribution unit (PDU), closed transition transfer switch (CTTS), and stationary transfer switch (STS).
You’ll learn the function of an automatic transfer switch (ATS), interlock, over-current protection, and defensive relays.
Eventually, you’ll look into power distribution preventative conservation. Understanding the abecedarian generalities related to power is a concern of every individual dependent on power sources, especially those who want to make a living by maintaining power distribution factors. With an understanding of the different types of natural and indispensable power sources as well as power distribution topologies, you’ll learn how to maintain power sources like the reverse of your hand. Start your coming literacy trip, moment.
Nature of the course:
Learn about critical operations Fastening on the force and operation of electricity for critical outfit. This free online Critical installation course will educate you about the safe and effective conservation and operation of power force systems. All of society relies heavily on electrical power and power force installations to live their lives and manage their operations. This free online course will educate you about power inventories, power distribution systems, and distribution precautionary measures in easily and effectively.
1.5-3 Hours of Learning
Pre-requisite Requirement:
- Circuit design.
- Apply linear systems theory and analysis.
- Develop electrical schematics.
- Data collection and analysis.
- Build and operate computer systems.
- Prepare operational plans.
- Electronic equipment maintenance.
- Direct construction activities and equipment upkeep.
- Program Requirements.
- The Electrical Engineering program is based on an expectation of adequate high school preparation in science, mathematics and English. High school courses should include algebra, plane geometry, trigonometry, chemistry or physics (all desirable), and four years of English.
Where to do it:
Is it worth doing it?
A recent study by The Globe and Mail set up that master minds in this field can anticipate to earn$ 92,000 per time on average. There are numerous openings for masterminds in the power engineering assiduity, including work with energy companies, parochial serviceability, exploration and development associations, and private enterprises
10. Electrical Engineering – Electrical Transformer Components
Course outline:
- Identify all of an electrical transformer’s main components (core, windings etc.)
- Explain how a Buchholz relay works
- Describe how oil level measurement works
- Describe how transformer temperature measurement works
- Describe how silica gel breather’s work
- Explain how tap changers work (on and off load)
- List what the most common transformer ‘killers’ are
- Illustrate transformer maintenance tips
Course Description:
Electrical transformers are a common point in any electrical distribution system. In order to understand how power is transmitted through an electrical grid, you’ll need to learn further about mills.
This free online course introduces you to all of an electrical motor’s main factors (core, windings etc.). The course shows you how a Buchholz relay works. You’ll learn about oil painting position measures and how motor temperature dimension works. The course also describes how silica gel recesses and valve changers work (on and off cargo).
This course will give you all the information you need to know about electrical mills and can also be used latterly as a lesson course. It’s an ideal course for anyone working/ training in an electrical engineering or power engineering assiduity. Interactive 3D models are used considerably to show you exactly how each of the motor corridor work.
The course is packed with 2D images, 2D animation and 3D animation. Written content has been read audibly so that you can’ learn on the go’ without demanding to watch the screen constantly. So, why stay? Start the course moment and gain precious knowledge on how electrical motor factors work.
Nature of the course:
Learn about electrical motor construction and factors with this free online Electrical Engineering course! This free online Electrical Engineering course will educate you about electrical mills, why we use them, and the features and functionality of their main factors. Electrical mills are an essential element in any electrical distribution system and are vital for proper energy transmission through an electrical grid. This free course uses detailed 3D models to educate you about an electrical mill functions and factors.
1.5-3 Hours of Learning
Pre-requisite Requirement:
- Circuit design.
- Apply linear systems theory and analysis.
- Develop electrical schematics.
- Data collection and analysis.
- Build and operate computer systems.
- Prepare operational plans.
- Electronic equipment maintenance.
- Direct construction activities and equipment upkeep.
- Program Requirements.
- The Electrical Engineering program is based on an expectation of adequate high school preparation in science, mathematics and English. High school courses should include algebra, plane geometry, trigonometry, chemistry or physics (all desirable), and four years of English.
Where to do it:
Is it worth doing it?
Stepping Voltage and Current Up and Down Mills are important factors in both power distribution and power electronic systems. They can reduce the high voltage in transmission at substations as well as increase the quantum of current needed by the end- druggies.
Which certificate course is best for electrical engineering?
- Professional Engineer (PE) …
- Project Management Professional (PgMP) …
- Certified Systems Engineer Professional (CSEP) …
- Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) certification. …
- Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) certification. …
- Certified Energy Manager (CEM)
Which are the best online courses with certificates?
- Alison
- Introduction to Electronics by Georgia Tech.
- MOS Transistors by Columbia University.
- Electricity and Magnetism: Electrostatics by MIT.
- Electrical Engineering Simulations with Etap.
- Udemy
Which course is best in electrical diploma?
Undergraduate courses like B.E. Electrical Engineering and B. Tech Electrical Engineering followed by postgraduate programs like M.E. Electrical Engineering and M. Tech Electrical Engineering can help you elevate your profile and openings by a large periphery
Is it possible to get a certificate for free?
Which online certificate has most value?
The Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect certification has been ranked as one of the most valuable certificate courses for IT jobs.
Are the certificates for free online electrical engineering courses worth anything?
- Be at the forefront of future technologies….
- Support others through your work….
- Electrical engineers are in demand….
- Starting salaries are high….
- Many global opportunities.
Do I need any prior experience or knowledge to enroll in free online electrical engineering courses?
- Circuit design.
- Apply linear systems theory and analysis.
- Develop electrical schematics.
- Data collection and analysis.
- Build and operate computer systems.
- Prepare operational plans.
- Electronic equipment maintenance.
- Direct construction activities and equipment upkeep.
Are free online electrical engineering courses as good as paid courses?
Yes! they are equally good
How much time should I expect to spend on a free online electrical engineering course?
5-7 hours a week, 5 weeks long
Are there any prerequisites for earning a certificate in free online electrical engineering courses?
Program Requirements. The Electrical Engineering program is based on an expectation of adequate high school preparation in science, mathematics and English. High school courses should include algebra, plane geometry, trigonometry, chemistry or physics (all desirable), and four years of English.
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